Napa favorites

This past January, I took a last minute trip with some friends to Napa to kick off the year! I know we’re in April now (and January feels like forever ago)…but I wanted to share some of my favorite spots with you all! Better late than never, right? I could write forever about all my favorites, so I’ll try to do my best with a top 8 for you all! Continue reading “Napa favorites”

Wednesday Wandering: New Hampshire Getaway

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

As I wait in anticipation for the snow to arrive here again in Boston (for the next nor’easter), I wanted to share recommendations I have for a New England getaway. Living in Boston means I’m close to beaches and mountains, cities and country – all within a couple hour drive away! During these winter months, its essential to book in some weekend getaways to get a break from day-to-day craziness. Just a couple days away can help de-stress and give you time to detach from the world. I’m definitely a go-go-go type of person, so frequently, I need to plan a trip away to actually take time to rest. It may sound silly, but I cannot sit still if I’m home. There is too much around me that I *should* be doing and so I don’t stop! Last month I took two weekend getaways to New Hampshire & Maine and I wanted to share with you my recommendations for NH (more to come on Maine in a future post)!

Continue reading “Wednesday Wandering: New Hampshire Getaway”