Feisty Friday: every day is full of emotions

Has anyone seen Inside Out? If you have, its it awesome! Gotta love Pixar. For those that haven’t, you must watch it this weekend – its On Demand! On its onset, it looks like any other lovely Pixar movie: entertaining story, fun characters, appropriate for kids, but includes subtle jabs and sarcasm for adults. Inside Out is a movie that tells the story of a young girl going through some stressful and life-changing events and showcases how her personality changes through these experiences. Much deeper, it shows how our emotions evolve from the simple (joy, sadness, fear, anger, disgust) when we’re young to the more complex (happy memories that make us sad, fearful challenges that make us feel courageous and strong). Every experience shapes us. Which means, we continually evolve, our personality continues to develop, and we are continually experiencing new emotional complexities.  Well, this is deep for a Friday! Besides being one of my favorite movies, it also has one of my favorite taglines: ‘Every day is full of emotions.”  I love it so much….because it is legit the story of my life right now.

Legit on the wall near my desk

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Befores & Afters

When certain events happen in my life, I find myself constantly thinking about life in two pieces: before the event and after the event. Before college and After college in a ‘big’ city. Before I moved to London and After the experience of living in a new country. Before I tore my ACL and after the very painful surgery plus a year+ of rehab. Before I got divorced and after the breakdown of my marriage. When I think about some of my befores & afters, I reflect on those big life-changing moments that stick in my mind and I recognize how much those events have shaped me into the person I am today. Sometimes I wonder who I would be if any of those events never happened. This is a very destructive activity (I know) – not like you can go back into the past. What if I didn’t do that Sunday morning ski run when I knew I was tired? What if I never moved back from London, but instead moved on to Singapore like I had originally wanted? I realize the simple fact that these defining moments, these life-changing events, have made me the person I am. I like how I have grown, I like who I am becoming, I am proud of my evolution. I am still evolving, still growing, and always will be, but I’m taking a moment to appreciate my growth. I’m excited about the stronger woman I have become through my life and am proud that I’m a nicer, more patient, considerate woman ready to follow my dreams.

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Just another manic Monday (but a good one)!

One of my friends messaged me today during work and asked if I knew a woman named Susanna Hoffs. I assumed he meant someone at work and the name didn’t some familiar. I soon found out she was in the Bangles and sang the song Manic Monday. I have now had that song in my head for about 7 hours and 20 minutes. Seriously, though, what a fun song – singing it to myself today has actually really made me smile!

Today was a manic Monday – one of those ones where you’re going from meeting to meeting, trying to figure out how you can maximize any spare time you have at work, while also having time to eat, go to the bathroom, and grab some more water from the kitchen. Now, to some this may sound insane, but this is a typical day at work for me and one that keeps me on my toes and energized! Continue reading “Just another manic Monday (but a good one)!”