Feisty Friday: every day is full of emotions

Has anyone seen Inside Out? If you have, its it awesome! Gotta love Pixar. For those that haven’t, you must watch it this weekend – its On Demand! On its onset, it looks like any other lovely Pixar movie: entertaining story, fun characters, appropriate for kids, but includes subtle jabs and sarcasm for adults. Inside Out is a movie that tells the story of a young girl going through some stressful and life-changing events and showcases how her personality changes through these experiences. Much deeper, it shows how our emotions evolve from the simple (joy, sadness, fear, anger, disgust) when we’re young to the more complex (happy memories that make us sad, fearful challenges that make us feel courageous and strong). Every experience shapes us. Which means, we continually evolve, our personality continues to develop, and we are continually experiencing new emotional complexities.  Well, this is deep for a Friday! Besides being one of my favorite movies, it also has one of my favorite taglines: ‘Every day is full of emotions.”  I love it so much….because it is legit the story of my life right now.

Legit on the wall near my desk

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Celebrating success & crying with laughter

Hi all & welcome back! I’ve been legit slow with this blog, so I’m ramping back up! I’ve been spending time focusing on what I want to share on this blog and have figured out a plan to try and keep myself disciplined on sharing my story with all of you in the interweb on a regular basis! I just came back from a wonderful weekend in NH skiing with friends and I wanted to share two big lessons that really came to light over the course of the 3 days away in the snow.

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Mushy Monday: volume 1 – the knee trials

Who hasn’t had the case of the Mondays before?? You had such a fun weekend – whether you were busy spending it with friends or running errands and catching up on much needed family  time or just taking some time to recharge, it was great! And now, its Monday.  Back to the grind, back to having to really wake up to your alarm clock, and back to having to manage how to balance everything in a few hours before/after work in order to make sure you have time to work out, run errands, take care of kids, take care of yourself, oh and get those recommended 8 hours of sleep! Mondays have been tough recently (along with other mornings), all rooted with my current knee situation.  Continue reading “Mushy Monday: volume 1 – the knee trials”